\name{lpe.paired.fdr.default} \alias{lpe.paired.fdr.default} \title{FDR for PLPE} \description{ This computes FDR for PLPE. } \usage{ \method{lpe.paired.fdr}{default}(x, obj, n.iter=5, lambda=0.9, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{data matrix} \item{obj}{object created from lpe.paired} \item{n.iter}{number of iterations} \item{lambda}{numeric vector of probabilities with values in [0,1]} \item{...}{other argument} } \value{ \item{design}{design matrix; condition index in the first column and pair index in the sceond column} \item{data.type}{data type: 'ms' for mass spectrometry data, 'cdna' for cDNA microarray data } \item{estimator}{specification for the estimator: 'median', 'mean' and 'huber'} \item{w.estimator}{two approaches to estimate the weight: 'random' or 'fixed'} \item{w}{weight paramter between individual variance estimate and pooling variance estimate, 0<= w <=1} \item{pi0}{estimated proportion of non-null peptides} \item{FDR}{matrix for test results including FDRs} \item{...}{other arguments} } \references{ Cho H, Smalley DM, Ross MM, Theodorescu D, Ley K and Lee JK (2007). Statistical Identification of Differentially Labelled Peptides from Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Proteomics, 7:3681-3692. } \author{ HyungJun Cho and Jae K. Lee } \seealso{ \code{\link{lpe.paired.fdr}} } \examples{ #LC-MS/MS proteomic data for platelets MPs library(PLPE) data(plateletSet) x <- exprs(plateletSet) x <- log2(x) cond <- c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2) pair <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3) design <- cbind(cond, pair) out <- lpe.paired(x, design, q=0.1, data.type="ms") out.fdr <- lpe.paired.fdr(x,obj=out) out.fdr$FDR[1:10,] } \keyword{models}