\name{reduceM} \alias{reduceM} \title{Resize a matrix} \description{ Resize a matrix to the number of rows commun to a vector. } \usage{reduceM(x, mat, threshold=0)} \arguments{ \item{x}{Character or numeric vector.} \item{mat}{Matrix sharing rownames with the supplied vextor x.} \item{threshold}{Threshold upon column. Only the columns with a \code{colSums} above the threshold are kept.} } \value{ Resized matrix. } \author{N. LeMeur} \examples{ mat <- matrix(c(1:25), nrow = 5, ncol = 5, dimnames = list(c(LETTERS[1:5]), c(1:5))) xx <- LETTERS[c(2, 4, 5)] reduceM(xx, mat) } \keyword{data} \keyword{manip}