\name{ppiInteract} \alias{ppiInteract} \title{Test the association between AP-MS data and phenotype} \description{ Test the association between AP-MS data and phenotype data via a graph and permutation model. } \usage{ ppiInteract(genename, expGraph, bait, prey, perm=10) } \arguments{ \item{genename}{Genes associated to a phenotype} \item{expGraph}{A graphNEL object (a direct graph instance of class\code{graph}). The nodes are the union of viable baits (VB) and viable prey (VP) of the experiment (see package \emph{ScISI})} \item{bait}{Proteins which was sampled as a bait in the binary relationship} \item{prey}{Proteins which was sampled as a prey in the binary relationship} \item{perm}{Number of permutation} } \value{ The returned value is a list: \item{Observed}{Observed values} \item{Expected}{Expected values after each permutation} } \author{R. Gentleman and N. LeMeur} \seealso{\emph{ScISI}} \examples{ data(ScISI) data(essglist) s1 <- ppiInteract(names(essglist), Gavin2002BPGraph, viableBaits[[8]], viablePrey[[8]], perm=10) } \keyword{data} \keyword{manip}