\name{complexStatus} \alias{complexStatus} \title{Complex Status} \description{ Categorize the complex whether or not a complex is composed of a significant number of genes involved in a particular phenotype than expected by chance.} \usage{ complexStatus(data, phenotype, interactome, threshold=0.05) } \arguments{ \item{data}{Output from CoHyperG test} \item{phenotype}{List of gene names inducing an observed phenotype, e.g., list of essential gene names (see package \emph{SLGI})} \item{interactome}{A binary matrix composed of genes (rows) and biological complexes (columns) (see package \emph{ScISI})} \item{threshold}{pvalue threshold (default 0.05)} } \details{ We form four distinct categories from A to D to characterize how a complex might be involved in a particular phenotype (according to the number of genes it contains and that are involved in a particular phenotype - see also \link[Category:hyperGTest]{hyperGTest} function) } \value{ The returned value is a list with components: \item{A}{"interesting" complexes, complexes with a significant number of interesting genes, i.e., genes that participate to a particular phenotype (at a given p-values threshold)} \item{B}{complexes with a NON significant number of interesting genes BUT that SHARE genes with complexes from the A status} \item{C}{complexes with a NON significant number of interesting genes AND that DON'T SHARE interesting genes with complexes from cat A} \item{D}{complexes WITHOUT interesting genes, i.e. the one involved in the studied phenotype} } \author{N. LeMeur} \examples{ data(ScISI) data(essglist) essential <- names(essglist) CoparamsESS <- new("CoHyperGParams", geneIds=essential, universeGeneIds=rownames(ScISI), annotation="org.Sc.sgd.db", categoryName="ScISI", pvalueCutoff=0.01, testDirection="over") sign<- hyperGTest(CoparamsESS) test05 <-complexStatus(data=sign, phenotype=essential, interactome=ScISI, threshold=0.05) } \keyword{data} \keyword{manip}