\name{SGDphenoL} \alias{SGDphenoL} \docType{data} \title{Saccharomyces Genome Database list of phenotypic data} \description{ Saccharomyces Genome Database list of phenotypes and associated genes from several published experiments (last update 2006). } \usage{ data(SGDphenoL) } \format{ \code{SGDphenoL} is a list of phenotypes. Under each phenotype is listed the genes that potentially induce that phenotype. A binary matrix can be built from that list using the \code{list2Matrix} function from the \code{Rintact} package. } \source{ SGD, supplementary information: \url{http://www.yeastgenome.org/} } \author{N. LeMeur} \examples{ data(SGDphenoL) } \keyword{datasets}