\name{OsterbergRaw} \alias{OsterbergRaw} \docType{data} \title{Data from Osterberg at al. 2006} \description{ Osterberg at al. (2006) report growth phenotypes in yeast for a strain collection over-expression ~600 C-terminal tagged integral membrane proteins growth both under normal and three different stress conditions. } \usage{ data(OsterbergRaw) } \format{ \code{OsterbergRaw} is a 17 columns dataframe. \describe{ \item{SYSTEMATIC}{Systematic gene names of the studied membrane protein} \item{COMMUN}{Commun gene names of the studied membrane protein} \item{TMHMM.C}{The topology predicted by TMHMM (TransMembrane prediction using Hidden Markov Models) using the experimentally assigned C-terminal location for the protein as a constraint. The topology is represented in the format Location of N-terminus TMhelices Location of C-terminus (i and o stand for in and out respectively)} \item{WesternBlot}{Protein expression levels (arbitrary units), estimated from the band intensity and normalized to the internal standard on each Western blot.} \item{Bands}{Proteins detected as two distinct bands with different molecular mass on the Western blot analysis. category 1 indicates that both bands were insensitive to Endo H digestion, 2 indicates the higher molecular mass was shifted down upon Endo H digestion on SDS/PAGE and one band was predominant compared to the other, and 3 indicates that a higher molecular mass band shifted down upon Endo H digestion on SDS/PAGE and both bands were equal intensity on Western blot} \item{Toxicity}{Toxicity index from Spoko et al. (2006). The index varies between 1 and 5, where 1 means the strain is dead, and 5 indicates no difference in growth rate compared with the wild type strain.} \item{sign.norm}{Over-expression strains that show a significant (P<0.001) growth rate phenotype (LSCrate) in synthetic defined medium conditions (Warringer et al., 2003). An average of two replicates is given. Strains that do not show a significant difference in doubling time compared with the wild-type strain are indicated by 0.} \item{all.norm}{Phenotypes (significant or not) of over-expression strains (LSCrate) in synthetic defined medium conditions (Warringer et al., 2003). An average of two replicates is given.} \item{sign.NaCl}{Over-expression strains that show a significant (P<0.001) growth rate phenotype (LPIrate) in NaCl. An average of two replicates is given. Strains that do not show a significant difference in doubling time compared with the wild-type strain under NACL stress are indicated by 0.} \item{all.NaCl.LSC}{Phenotypes (significant or not) of over-expression strains (LSCrate) in NaCl (Warringer et al., 2003). An average of two replicates is given.} \item{all.NaCl.LPI}{Phenotypes (significant or not) of over-expression strains (LPIrate) in NaCl (Warringer et al., 2003). An average of two replicates is given.} \item{sign.caff}{Over-expression strains that show a significant (P<0.001) growth rate phenotype (LPIrate) in caffeine. An average of two replicates is given. Strains that do not show a significant difference in doubling time compared with the wild-type strain under caffeine stress are indicated by 0.} \item{all.caff.LSC}{Phenotypes (significant or not) of over-expression strains (LSCrate) in caffeine (Warringer et al., 2003). An average of two replicates is given} \item{all.caff.LPI}{Phenotypes (significant or not) of over-expression strains (LPIrate) in caffeine (Warringer et al., 2003). An average of two replicates is given.} \item{sign.paraq.}{Over-expression strains that show a significant (P<0.001) growth rate phenotype (LPIrate) in paraquat. An average of two replicates is given. Strains that do not show a significant difference in doubling time compared with the wild-type strain under paraquat stress are indicated by 0.} \item{all.paraq.LSC}{Phenotypes (significant or not) of overexpression strains (LSCrate) in paraquat (Warringer et al., 2003). An average of two replicates is given.} \item{all.paraq.LPI}{Phenotypes (significant or not) of overexpression strains (LPIrate) in paraquat (Warringer et al., 2003). An average of two replicates is given.} } } \source{ Osterberg et al (2006), supplementary information: \url{http://www.pnas.org/content/vol0/issue2006/images/data/0604078103/DC1/04078Table1.xls} or \url{ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/systematic_results/phenotypes} } \references{ Osterberg M, Kim H, Warringer J, Melen K, Blomberg A, von Heijne G. (2006) Phenotypic effects of membrane protein overexpression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PNAS. 103(30):11148-53. PMID: 16847257 } \author{N. LeMeur} \examples{ data(OsterbergRaw) str(OsterbergRaw) } \keyword{datasets}