\name{p.int} \alias{p.int} \title{Calculates significance of intensity-dependent bias} \description{This function assesses the significance of intensity-dependent bias. This is achieved by comparing the observed average values of logged fold-changes within an intensity neighbourhood with an empirical distribution generated by permutation tests. The significance is given by (adjusted) p-values.} \usage{p.int(A,M,delta=50,N=-1,av="median",p.adjust.method="none")} \arguments{\item{A}{vector of average logged spot intensity} \item{M}{vector of logged fold changes} \item{delta}{integer determining the size of the neighbourhood (\code{2 * delta+1}).} \item{N}{number of random samples (of size \code{2 * delta+1}) used for the generation of empirical distribution. If N is negative, the number of samples 100 times the length of \code{A}. } \item{av}{averaging of \code{M} within neighbourhood by \emph{mean} or \emph{median} (default)} \item{p.adjust.method}{method for adjusting p-values due to multiple testing regime. The available methods are \dQuote{none}, \dQuote{bonferroni}, \dQuote{holm}, \dQuote{hochberg}, \dQuote{hommel} and \dQuote{fdr}. See also \code{\link{p.adjust}}} } \details{The function \code{p.int} assesses the significance of intensity-dependent bias using a permutation test. The null hypothesis states the independence of A and M. To test if \code{M} depends on \code{A}, spots are ordered with respect to A. This defines a neighbourhood of spots with similar A for each spot. Next, the test statistic is the \emph{median} or \emph{mean} of \code{M} within a spot's intensity neighbourhood of chosen size (\code{2 *delta+1}). The empirical distribution of the this statistic is then generated based on \code{N} random samples (with replacement). (Note that sampling without replacement is used for \code{fdr.int}. Also note, that different meaning of argument \code{N} in \code{p.int} and \code{fdr.int}. The argument \code{N} in \code{p.int} is the number fo independent samples (of size \code{2 *delta+1}) derived from the original distribution. The argument \code{N} in \code{fdr.int} states how many times the original distribution is randomised and the permutated distribution is used for generating the empirical distribution.) Comparing this empirical distribution of \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}} with the observed distribution of \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}}, the independence of \code{M} and \code{A} is assessed. If \code{M} is independent of \code{A}, the empirical distribution of \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}} can be expected to be symmetrically distributed around its mean value. To assess the significance of observing positive deviations of the p-values are used. It indicates the expected proportion of neighbourhoods with larger \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}} than the actual one based on the empirical distribution of \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}}. The minimal p-value is set to \code{1/N}. Correspondingly, the significance of observing negative deviations of \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}} can be determined. Since this assessment of significance involves multiple testing, an adjustment of the p-values might be advisable.} \value{A list of vector containing the p-values for positive (\code{Pp}) and negative (\code{Pn}) deviations of \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}} of the spot's neighbourhood is produced. Values corresponding to spots within an interval of \code{delta} at the lower or upper end of the \code{A}-scale are set to \code{NA}. } \note{The same functionality but with our input and output formats is offered by \code{\link{p.int2}}} \author{Matthias E. Futschik (\url{http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~futschik})} \seealso{\code{\link{p.int2}},\code{\link{fdr.int}}, \code{\link{sigint.plot}}, \code{\link{p.adjust}}} \examples{ # To run these examples, "un-comment" them! # # LOADING DATA NOT-NORMALISED # data(sw) # CALCULATION OF SIGNIFICANCE OF SPOT NEIGHBOURHOODS # For this illustration, N was chosen rather small. For "real" analysis, it should be larger. # P <- p.int(maA(sw)[,1],maM(sw)[,1],delta=50,N=10000,av="median",p.adjust.method="none") # VISUALISATION OF RESULTS # sigint.plot(maA(sw)[,1],maM(sw)[,1],Sp=P$Pp,Sn=P$Pn,c(-5,-5)) # LOADING NORMALISED DATA # data(sw.olin) # CALCULATION OF SIGNIFICANCE OF SPOT NEIGHBOURHOODS # P <- p.int(maA(sw.olin)[,1],maM(sw.olin)[,1],delta=50,N=10000,av="median",p.adjust.method="none") # VISUALISATION OF RESULTS # sigint.plot(maA(sw.olin)[,1],maM(sw.olin)[,1],Sp=P$Pp,Sn=P$Pn,c(-5,-5)) } \keyword{nonparametric} \keyword{univar} \keyword{htest}