\name{workedExampleNotNormalizedData} \alias{workedExampleNotNormalizedData} \title{Worked Example of MiChip Processing} \description{ Loads a set of hybridizations into a matrix and them proceeds to filter and summarize these data } \usage{ workedExampleNotNormalizedData(exptname, intensityCutoff=0, datadir=".", minSumlength, madAdjust = FALSE ) } \arguments{ \item{exptname}{string indicating the name of the experiment} \item{intensityCutoff}{The intensity value for accepting the spots intensity value in the experment} \item{datadir}{The directory contain data from the experiment} \item{minSumlength}{Minimum exceptable number of values to summarize intensity value.} \item{madAdjust}{if \code{TRUE} then summarized data will be filtered according to the MAD median absolute deviation and set to \code{NA} if the median is less than MAD} } \examples{ #Summarizes the data in the current directory \dontrun{ mySummarizedEset <-workedExampleNotNormalizedData("MyExpt", intensityCutoff=0, datadir=".", minSumlength=0, madAdjust=TRUE) } } \keyword{design}