\name{standardise2} \alias{standardise2} \title{Standardization in regards to selected time-point } \description{Standardisation of the expression values of every gene is performed, so that the expression values at a chosen time point are zero and the standard deviations are one.} \usage{standardise2(eset,timepoint=1)} \arguments{\item{eset}{object of the class \emph{ExpressionSet}.} \item{timepoint}{integer: which time point should have expression values of zero.} } \value{The function produces an object of the \emph{ExpressionSet} class with standardised expression values.} \author{Matthias E. Futschik (\url{http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~futschik})} \examples{ if (interactive()){ data(yeast) # Data pre-processing yeastF <- filter.NA(yeast) yeastF <- fill.NA(yeastF) yeastF <- standardise2(yeastF,timepoint=1) # Soft clustering and visualisation cl <- mfuzz(yeastF,c=20,m=1.25) mfuzz.plot(yeastF,cl=cl,mfrow=c(4,5)) } } \keyword{utilities}