\name{plotLocalMax} \alias{plotLocalMax} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Plot the local maximum matrix} \description{ Plot the local maximum matrix of 2-D CWT coefficients returned by \code{\link{getLocalMaximumCWT}} } \usage{ plotLocalMax(localMax, wCoefs = NULL, range = c(1, nrow(localMax)), colorMap = "RYB", main = NULL, cex = 3, pch = ".", ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{localMax}{local maximum matrix of 2-D CWT coefficients returned by \code{\link{getLocalMaximumCWT}}} \item{wCoefs}{ 2-D CWT coefficients } \item{range}{ plot range of m/z index } \item{colorMap}{ the colormap used in plotting the points } \item{main}{ parameter of \code{\link{plot}} } \item{cex}{ parameter of \code{\link{plot}} } \item{pch}{ parameter of \code{\link{plot}} } \item{\dots}{ other parameters of \code{\link{points}} } } \author{Pan Du} \seealso{ \code{\link{getLocalMaximumCWT}} } \examples{ data(exampleMS) scales <- seq(1, 64, 3) wCoefs <- cwt(exampleMS[5000:11000], scales=scales, wavelet='mexh') localMax <- getLocalMaximumCWT(wCoefs) plotLocalMax(localMax) } \keyword{hplot}