\name{cwt} \alias{cwt} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) } \description{ CWT(Continuous Wavelet Transform) with Mexican Hat wavelet (by default) to match the peaks in Mass Spectrometry spectrum } \usage{ cwt(ms, scales = 1, wavelet = "mexh") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{ms}{ Mass Spectrometry spectrum (a vector of MS intensities)} \item{scales}{ a vector represents the scales at which to perform CWT. } \item{wavelet}{The wavelet base, Mexican Hat by default. User can provide wavelet Psi(x) as a form of two row matrix. The first row is the x value, and the second row is Psi(x) corresponding to x. } } \value{ The return is the 2-D CWT coefficient matrix, with column names as the scale. Each column is the CWT coefficients at that scale. } \author{Pan Du, Simon Lin} \examples{ data(exampleMS) scales <- seq(1, 64, 3) wCoefs <- cwt(exampleMS[5000:11000], scales=scales, wavelet='mexh') ## Plot the 2-D CWT coefficients as image (It may take a while!) xTickInterval <- 1000 image(5000:11000, scales, wCoefs, col=terrain.colors(256), axes=FALSE, xlab='m/z index', ylab='CWT coefficient scale', main='CWT coefficients') axis(1, at=seq(5000, 11000, by=xTickInterval)) axis(2, at=c(1, seq(10, 64, by=10))) box() } \keyword{ methods }