\name{MEDMEset-class} \docType{class} \alias{MEDMEset-class} \alias{[,MEDMEset-method} \alias{AMS,MEDMEset-method} \alias{CG,MEDMEset-method} \alias{chr,MEDMEset-method} \alias{org,MEDMEset-method} \alias{initialize,MEDMEset-method} \alias{logR,MEDMEset-method} \alias{pos,MEDMEset-method} \alias{RMS,MEDMEset-method} \alias{show,MEDMEset-method} \alias{smoothed,MEDMEset-method} \alias{AMS} \alias{CG} \alias{CGcounts} \alias{chr} \alias{org} \alias{organism} \alias{logR} \alias{pos} \alias{RMS} \alias{smoothed} \title{Class "MEDMEset"} \description{ This class is used in MEDME library to store MeDIP derived DNA-methylation estimates and to save further elaboration of these, in association with chromosomal and positional probe information} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("MEDMEset", ...)}. This object could initially host the MeDIP normalized logRatio data, as returned by the \code{\link{MEDME.readFiles}} function. Afterwards, the same obejct is returned by most of the MEDME library function. Each time, a new slot is filled with additional data, as smoothed logR or Absolute/Relative Methylation Scores (AMS and RMS respectively). At the end of the analysis, usually after a call to the \code{\link{predict}} function, the \code{\link{MEDME.writeFiles}} function can be used to generate SGR or GFF files from this object. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{chr}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} : the probe-level chromosome asignments} \item{\code{pos}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} : the probe-level genomic position} \item{\code{logR}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} : the probe-level un-trasformed normalized MeDIP logRatios for each sample} \item{\code{smoothed}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} : the probe-level smoothed MeDIP logRatios for each sample} \item{\code{AMS}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} : the probe-level Absolute Methylation Score for each sample} \item{\code{RMS}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"} : the probe-level Relative Methylation Score for each sample} \item{\code{CGcounts}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} : the probe-level count of CpGs} \item{\code{organism}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} : the organism that the probe genomic positions are referring to, either hsa or mmu for homo sapiens or mus musculus respectively} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "MEDMEset")}: subsets the object based on its probes and/or samples} \item{AMS}{\code{signature(object = "MEDMEset")}: extracts the Absolute Methylation Score from the AMS slot} \item{CG}{\code{signature(object = "MEDMEset")}: extracts the probe CpG count from the CGcounts slot} \item{chr}{\code{signature(object = "MEDMEset")}: extracts the probe chromosomal assignment} \item{org}{\code{signature(object = "MEDMEset")}: extracts the organism} \item{initialize}{\code{signature(.Object = "MEDMEset")}: automatically generates smoothed, AMS and RMS matrix when only the logR slot is filled} \item{logR}{\code{signature(object = "MEDMEset")}: extracts the matrix of MeDIP un-transformed logRatios } \item{pos}{\code{signature(object = "MEDMEset")}: extracts the probe genomic position} \item{RMS}{\code{signature(object = "MEDMEset")}: extracts the Relative Methylation Score from the RMS slot} \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "MEDMEset")}: prints a summary of the object content} \item{smoothed}{\code{signature(object = "MEDMEset")}: extracts the Absolute Methylation Score from the AMS slot} } } \references{\url{http://genome.cshlp.org/cgi/content/abstract/gr.080721.108v1}} \author{Mattia Pelizzola} \seealso{ \code{\link{MEDME.readFiles}}, \code{\link{MEDME.writeFiles}} } \examples{ showClass("MEDMEset") } \keyword{classes}