\name{MEDME.writeFiles} \alias{MEDME.writeFiles} \title{ writeFiles sgr or gff files from MEDME output } \description{ allows to write sgr or gff files after MEDME analysis } \usage{ MEDME.writeFiles(data, output, path = getwd(), format, featureLength = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ An object of class MEDMEset} \item{output}{ string; the name of the data slot to be written on the disk, either logR, smoothed, AMS or RMS} \item{path}{ string; the path where the files are stored; the current working directory is the default } \item{format}{ string; either sgr or gff to indicate the respective file formats } \item{featureLength}{ integer; in case of GFF file format the length of the features has to be provided to determine start and end positions } } \details{ One GFF or SGR file is provided for each sample of the data MEDMEset object. In case of GFF files, tab-delimited files with header are provided with following fields for each probe: chromosome, empty field, probe ids, start and stop chromosomal positions, and score and empty fields. In case of sgr files, tab-delimited files with no header and chr, chr positions and score are provided. }