\name{plotMeanSD} \alias{plotMeanSD} \title{ Plotting function for gene means and standard deviations } \description{ Plots the row standard deviation of a matrix of expression data against the row mean, or the rank of the row mean. } \usage{ plotMeanSD(indata, by.rank = TRUE, line = FALSE, ymax = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{indata}{ An object of class \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame}, \code{ExpressionSet}, or \code{AffyBatch} } \item{by.rank}{ If \code{TRUE}, the row standard deviations are plotted against the ranks of the row means. Otherwise, the row standard deviations are plotted against the row means themselves. } \item{line}{ If \code{TRUE}, a lowess smoother line is drawn on the plot. } \item{ymax}{ The upper limit for the plot y-axis. If missing, axis limits are generated automatically by \code{plot}. } } \details{ Generates a scatter plot of the row standard deviations of a matrix of expression data against the row means or ranks of the row means. } \value{ NULL } \author{ Rachel Chen and Blythe Durbin-Johnson } \examples{ library(LMGene) library(Biobase) data(sample.eS) # transform data trans.eS <- transeS(sample.eS, lambda = 727, alpha = 56) # plot SD against rank of mean plotMeanSD(trans.eS, line = TRUE) plotMeanSD(sample.eS, line = TRUE, ymax = 1000) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{dplot}