\name{LMGene} \alias{LMGene} \title{LMGene main function} \description{ LMGene calls function \code{\link{genediff}} to calculate the unadjusted gene-specific and posterior p-values of all genes and then calculates the FDR-adjusted p-values of all genes. Significant genes for each factor in \code{model} (based on either the gene-specific or posterior FDR-adjusted p-values) are output. } \usage{ LMGene(eS, model = NULL, level = 0.05, posterior = FALSE, method = c("MLE", "MOM", "MOMlog")) } \arguments{ \item{eS}{An \code{ExpressionSet} object. Any transformation and normalization of \code{exprs(eS)} should be conducted prior to use in \code{LMGene}.} \item{model}{Specifies model to be used. Default is to use all variables from eS without interactions. See details.} \item{level}{Significance level} \item{posterior}{If \code{TRUE}, the posterior FDR-adjusted p-values are used in listing significant genes for each factor. Default is to use gene-specific FDR-adjusted p-values.} \item{method}{Method by which the posterior p-values are calculated. Default is \code{"MLE"}.} } \details{ If you have data in a \code{matrix} and information about experimental design factors, then you can use \code{\link{neweS}} to convert the data into an \code{ExpressionSet} object. Please see \code{\link{neweS}} for more detail. The \code{level} argument indicates the False Discovery Rate, e.g. level=0.05 means a 5 percent FDR. The \code{model} argument is an optional character string, constructed like the right-hand side of a formula for \code{lm}. It specifies which of the variables in the \code{ExpressionSet} will be used in the model and whether interaction terms will be included. If \code{model=NULL}, it uses all variables from the \code{ExpressionSet} without interactions. Be careful of using interaction terms with factors; this often leads to overfitting, which will yield an error. See \code{\link{genediff}} for details of \code{method}. } \value{ \item{lmres}{A list with one component for each factor in \code{model}. Each component consists of a character vector with one element per significant gene. If no genes are significant for a given factor, the component for that factor is set to \code{"No significant genes"}.} } \references{ Benjamini, Y. and Hochberg, Y. (1995) Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing, \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B}, \bold{57}, 289--300. David M. Rocke (2004) Design and analysis of experiments with high throughput biological assay data, \emph{Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology}, \bold{15}, 703--713. \url{http://dmrocke.ucdavis.edu} } \author{David Rocke and Geun-Cheol Lee} \seealso{\code{\link{genediff}}, \code{\link{neweS}}} \examples{ library(Biobase) library(LMGene) #data data(sample.mat) data(vlist) raw.eS <- neweS(sample.mat, vlist) # glog transform data trans.eS <- transeS(raw.eS, lambda = 727, alpha = 56) # Identify significant genes, using an FDR of 1 percent LMGene(trans.eS, level = 0.01) }