\name{top} \alias{top} \docType{data} \title{ Colorectal cancer dataset } \description{ Colorectal cancer dataset provided by \code{SPIA} package. It is just a copy during the development of \code{SPIA} package in case the package is not available. It will be removed when the \code{SPIA} package is stable. see the description of \code{SPIA} package. } \usage{data(colorectalcancerSPIA)} \format{ see the format of \code{SPIA} package. } \source{ Yi Hong and Kok Sun Ho and Kong Weng Eu and Peh Yean Cheah, A susceptibility gene set for early onset colorectal cancer that integrates diverse signaling pathways: implication for tumorigenesis, Clin Cancer Res, 2007, 13(4),1107-14. } \keyword{datasets}