\name{cosmesis} \alias{cosmesis} \non_function{} \title{ The time taken until cosmetic deterioration of breast cosmesis. } \description{ The \code{cosmesis} data frame has 95 rows and 3 columns. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{L}{ The left end point of the cosmetic deterioration interval. } \item{R}{ The right end point of the cosmetic deterioration interval. } \item{Trt}{ The treatment indicator. It is zero for those that received radiotherapy. } } } \source{ \emph{A semiparametric model for regression analysis of interval-censored failure time data,} D. M. Finkelstein and R. A. Wolfe, 1985, Biometrics. } \examples{ data(cosmesis) } \keyword{datasets}