\name{PGM} \alias{PGM} \title{ An implementation of the projected gradient methods for finding the NPMLE. } \description{ An estimate of the NPMLE is obtained by using projected gradient methods. This method is a special case of the methods described in Wu (1978). } \usage{ PGM(A, pvec, maxiter = 500, tol=1e-07, told=2e-05, tolbis=1e-08, keepiter=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{A}{ \code{A} is either the m by n clique matrix or the n by 2 matrix containing the left and right end points for each event time. } \item{pvec }{ An initial estimate of the probability vector. } \item{maxiter }{ The maximum number of iterations to take. } \item{tol}{ The tolerance for decreases in likelihood. } \item{told}{ \code{told} does not seem to be used. } \item{tolbis}{ The tolerance used in the bisection code. } \item{keepiter}{ A boolean indicating whether to return the number of iterations. } } \details{ New directions are selected by the projected gradient method. The new optimal \code{pvec} is obtained using the bisection algorithm, moving in the selected direction. Convergence requires both the \eqn{L_1} distance for the improved \code{pvec} and the change in likelihood to be below \code{tol}. } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{icsurv}} containing the following components: \item{pf }{The NPMLE of \code{pvec}. } \item{sigma }{The cumulative sum of \code{pvec}.} \item{lval }{ The value of the log likelihood at \code{pvec}.} \item{clmat }{ The clique matrix. } \item{method }{ The method used, currently only "MPGM" is possible. } \item{lastchange }{ The difference between \code{pf} and the previous iterate. } \item{numiter}{ The number of iterations carried out. } \item{eps}{ The tolerances used. } \item{converge }{ A boolean indicating whether convergence occurred within \code{maxiter} iterations. } \item{iter }{ If \code{keepiter} is true then this is a matrix containing all iterations - useful for debugging.} } \references{ \emph{Some Algorithmic Aspects of the Theory of Optimal Designs}, C.--F. Wu, 1978, Annals. } \author{ Alain Vandal and Robert Gentleman. } \seealso{ \code{\link{VEM}}, \code{\link{ISDM}}, \code{\link{EMICM}}, \code{\link{PGM}}, \code{\link{EM}} } \examples{ data(cosmesis) csub1 <- subset(cosmesis, subset=Trt==0, select=c(L,R)) PGM(csub1) data(pruitt) PGM(pruitt) } \keyword{optimize}