\name{MLEintvl} \alias{MLEintvl} \title{ Compute the real representation for the maximal cliques. } \description{ The intervals on the real line that corresponds to the intersections of the maximal cliques are computed and returned. } \usage{ MLEintvl(intvls, ml=Maclist(intvls)) } \arguments{ \item{intvls}{ The n by 2 matrix containing the event time intervals for the individuals under study. } \item{ml}{ The \code{\link{Maclist}} computed for the \code{intvls}. } } \value{ An m by 2 matrix, where m is the number of maximal cliques. The first column contains the left end point of the real representation for the appropriate maximal clique and the second column contains the right end point. } \references{ Computational Methods for Censored Data using Intersection Graphs, R. Gentleman and A. Vandal, JCGS, 2000. } \author{Alain Vandal and Robert Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{Maclist}} } \examples{ data(cosmesis) csub1 <- subset(cosmesis, subset=Trt==0, select=c(L,R)) MLEintvl(csub1) } \keyword{manip }