\name{Bisect} \alias{Bisect} \title{An implementation of the bisection algorithm for root finding. } \description{ Most of the optimizations in \emph{Icens} have a one dimensional root-finding component. Since the quantities involved are generally restricted to a subset of [0,1] we use bisection to find the roots. } \usage{ Bisect(tA, pvec, ndir, Meps, tolbis=1e-07) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{tA}{ The transpose of the clique matrix. } \item{pvec}{ The current estimate of the probability vector. } \item{ndir}{ The direction to explore. } \item{Meps}{ Machine epsilon, elements of \code{pvec} that are less than this are assumed to be zero. } \item{tolbis}{ The tolerance used to determine if the algorithm has converged. } } \details{ We search from \code{pvec} in the direction \code{ndir} to obtain the new value of \code{pvec} that maximizes the likelihood. } \value{ The new estimate of \code{pvec}. } \references{ Any book on optimization. } \author{ Alain Vandal and Robert Gentleman. } \keyword{ optimize }