\name{simpleLinPlot} \alias{simpleLinPlot} \title{Default plot callback function for hilbertDisplay} \description{ Plots a small part of the supplied vector. } \usage{ simpleLinPlot( data, info ) } \arguments{ \item{data}{The data vector, a vector of integers.} \item{info}{A list with fields describing the context, as described in the help page for \code{\link{hilbertDisplay}}. } } \value{Null.} \details{This is a very simple function that is called by default by \code{\link{hilbertDisplay}} when the user chooses the "Linear plot" option and clicks on a pixel in the display. It displays a piece of 2000 values of the \code{data} vector, centered around \code{info$bin}. You will often want to replace this function by one tailored to your needs.} \seealso{ \code{\link{hilbertDisplay}} } \author{Simon Anders, EMBL-EBI, \email{sanders@fs.tum.de}}