\name{dotsapply} \alias{dotsapply} \title{List apply for '...' arguments} \description{A kludge to get around a certain problem in using \code{lapply} with '\code{...}' ellipsis function arguments.} \usage{ dotsapply( fun, ... ) } \arguments{ \item{fun}{A function that takes one argument} \item{...}{Arguments to which the function should be applied } } \value{A list of function values} \details{ "\code{dotsapply(fun,...)}" gives the same result as \code{lapply( list(...), fun)}. However, the construction with "\code{list}", when used for variables enumerated explicitely, will result in their duplication. Assume, for example, that you have three very large vectors \code{a}, \code{b}, and \code{c}, whose lengths you wish to know. If your write "\code{lapply( list(a,b,c), length )}", R will duplicate all three vectors in memory when constructing the list, which results in unnecessary use of memory. The alternative "\code{dotsapply( length, a, b, c )}" avoids this. Of course, you could also write "\code{list( length(a), length(b), length(c) )}", which neither causes duplication. This last possibility is, however, not an option, if, instead of "\code{a,b,c}", you have ellipsed function arguments, i.e. literally "\code{...}". In this special case, \code{dotsapply} comes in handy, and as this case arose in \code{\link{hilbertDisplay}}, I implemented \code{dotsapply} as a kludge and export it from the package just in case somebody ahs use for it. } \author{Simon Anders, EMBL-EBI, \email{sanders@fs.tum.de}} \keyword{manip}