\name{plotCtCard} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{plotCtCard} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Image plot of qPCR Ct values from a card format} \description{Function for plotting high-throughput qPCR Ct values from a platform with a defined spatial layout, such as TaqMan Low Density Assay cards. The location of Ct values in the plot corresponds to the position of each well on the card.} \usage{ plotCtCard(q, card = 1, plot = "Ct", main, nrow = 16, ncol = 24, col, col.range, na.col = "grey", na.value = 40, legend.cols, well.size = 3.1, zero.center = FALSE, unR = FALSE, unD = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{q}{object of class qPCRset. } \item{card}{integer, the sample number to plot.} \item{plot}{character string among "Ct", "flag", "type", "class") indicating what type of plot to produce. See Details for a longer description.} \item{main}{character string, the title of the plot. Per deault this is the sample name corresponding to card.} \item{nrow}{integer, the numer of rows on the card (16 for a standard 384 well format).} \item{ncol}{integer, the numer of columns on the card (24 for a standard 384 well format).} \item{col}{vector of colors of the same length as the number of different groups for the categorical data, or the name of a colour scheme for the continuous data.} \item{col.range}{vector, the range of colours to use.} \item{na.col}{the colour used for well with NA (undetermined) Ct values.} \item{na.value}{numeric, if NA has been replaced by an (arbitrary) high Ct value in the data.} \item{legend.cols}{integer, how many columns should the legend text be split into (defaults to number of labels).} \item{well.size}{numeric, for adjusting the size of the wells on the card.} \item{zero.center}{logical, should the colours be shifted to be zero-centered.} \item{unR}{logical, should wells from the category "Unreliable" be crossed out.} \item{unD}{logical, should wells from the category "Undetermined" be crossed out.} \item{\dots}{any other arguments will be passed to the \code{plot} and \code{points} functions.} } \details{This function may be used to plot the values of any well-specific information, such as the raw or normalized Ct values, or categorical data such as flag, gene class etc. The image follows the layout of an actual HTqPCR card. %The color range is used to represent the range of values for the statistic. Especially for dCt and ddCt it can be an advantage to set zero.center=TRUE to make the colour scale symmetric around 0. If \code{unR=TRUE} these will wells will be crossed out using a diagonal cross (X), whereas \code{unD=TRUE} will be marked with a horisontal/vertical cross.} \value{A plot is created on the current graphics device.} \author{Heidi Dvinge} \seealso{\code{\link{image}}} \examples{ # Load some example data data(qPCRraw) # Plot Ct values from first card plotCtCard(qPCRraw) plotCtCard(qPCRraw, card=2, col.range=c(10,35)) plotCtCard(qPCRraw, unR=TRUE, unD=TRUE) # Other examples plotCtCard(qPCRraw, plot="class") plotCtCard(qPCRraw, plot="type") plotCtCard(qPCRraw, plot="flag") } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{hplot}