\name{ComputeM} \alias{ComputeM} \title{Compute score matrix M} \description{ Compute the score matrix M. } \usage{ ComputeM(A, B, R, P, linkScore, selfLinkScore, nodeScore1, nodeScore0, lookupLink, lookupNode, clamp=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{A}{adjacency matrix for network A} \item{B}{adjacency matrix for network B} \item{R}{node similarity matrix} \item{P}{permutation vector to be used as the initial alignment (see \link{InitialAlignment})} \item{linkScore}{link score matrix (see \link{ComputeLinkParameters})} \item{selfLinkScore}{self link score matrix (see \link{ComputeLinkParameters})} \item{nodeScore1}{node score vector (s1) (see \link{ComputeNodeParameters})} \item{nodeScore0}{node score vector for unaligned nodes (s0) (see \link{ComputeNodeParameters})} \item{lookupLink}{link bin lookup table (see \link{GetBinNumber})} \item{lookupNode}{node bin lookup table (see \link{GetBinNumber})} \item{clamp}{clamp values to range when performing bin lookups} } \value{ The return value is the score matrix M. } \details{ This function computes the score Matrix M from the network adjacency matrices A and B, the node similarity matrix R, an alignment P (given as a permutation vector) and the node and link scores with their associated binning information. The alignment P is either generated by the previous iterative step, or, initially, by using \link{InitialAlignment}. The matrix M is then given to the linear assignment solver to compute the new alignment. } \examples{ ex<-GenerateExample(dimA=22, dimB=22, filling=.5, covariance=.6, symmetric=TRUE, numOrths=10, correlated=seq(1,18)) pinitial<-InitialAlignment(psize=34, r=ex$r, mode="reciprocal") lookupLink<-seq(-2,2,.5) linkParams<-ComputeLinkParameters(ex$a, ex$b, pinitial, lookupLink) lookupNode<-c(-.5,.5,1.5) nodeParams<-ComputeNodeParameters(dimA=22, dimB=22, ex$r, pinitial, lookupNode) ComputeM(A=ex$a, B=ex$b, R=ex$r, P=pinitial, linkScore=linkParams$ls, selfLinkScore=linkParams$ls, nodeScore1=nodeParams$s1, nodeScore0=nodeParams$s0, lookupLink=lookupLink, lookupNode=lookupNode) } \author{Joern P. Meier, Michal Kolar, Ville Mustonen, Michael Laessig, and Johannes Berg} \keyword{misc}