\name{plot.genominator.goodness.of.fit} \alias{plot.genominator.goodness.of.fit} \title{ Create goodness-of-fit quantile-quantile plot } \description{ S3 method to plot \code{genominator.goodness.of.fit} object. Creates a quantile-quantile plot of the observed versus theoretical quantiles of goodness-of-fit statistics based on a chi-squared distribution. } \usage{ plot.genominator.goodness.of.fit(x, chisq = FALSE, plotCol = TRUE, qqline = FALSE, xlab = "theoretical quantiles", ylab = "observed quantiles", main, pch = 16, cex = 0.75, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object of class \code{genominator.goodness.of.fit}, as returned by \code{\link{regionGoodnessOfFit}}. } \item{chisq}{ Logical indicating whether chi-squared statistics should be plotted (as opposed to p-values from a chi-squared distribution). } \item{plotCol}{ Logical indicating whether points at extreme quantiles should be colored. } \item{qqline}{ Logical indicating whether a qqline should be added, this is a line through the 25\%- and 75\%-quantiles. } \item{xlab}{ X-axis label for plot. } \item{ylab}{ Y-axis label for plot. } \item{main}{ Main label for plot. } \item{pch}{ Plotting character type for plot. } \item{cex}{ A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default. See \code{\link{par}}. } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments for lower-level functions, namely \code{\link{plot}}. } } \details{ This function constructs a quantile-quantile plot comparing the distribution of observed statistics to either the uniform 0,1 distribution or the appropriate chi-squared distribution. This plotting function provides a tool to assess whether replicate lanes, flow cells, sample preparations, etc. fit the model described in \code{\link{regionGoodnessOfFit}}. } \value{ This method is used for its side effect. } \author{ James Bullard \email{bullard@berkeley.edu}, Kasper Daniel Hansen \email{khansen@jhsph.edu} } \seealso{ See \code{Genominator} vignette for more information. See also \code{\link{regionGoodnessOfFit}}. } \examples{ ed <- ExpData(system.file(package = "Genominator", "sample.db"), tablename = "raw") data("yeastAnno") plot(regionGoodnessOfFit(ed, yeastAnno), chisq = TRUE) } \keyword{hplot}