\name{addPrimingWeights} \alias{addPrimingWeights} \title{ Adding priming weights to an AlignedRead object. } \description{ This function adds priming weights to an AlignedRead object. } \usage{ addPrimingWeights(aln, weights = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{aln}{ An object of class \code{AlignedRead}. } \item{weights}{ A vector of weights as produced by \code{\link{computePrimingWeights}}. } \item{overwrite}{ A logical, will a \code{weights} entry in the \code{alignData} of the \code{aln} argument be overwritten? } \item{\dots}{ These arguments are passed to \code{computePrimingWeights} and are only used if \code{weights} are \code{NULL}. } } \details{ If the weights are not supplied, the weights are calculated using the \code{aln} object itself. } \value{ An object of class \code{AlignedRead} with a \code{weights} component in its \code{alignData} slot. } \references{ Hansen, K. D., Brenner, S. E. and Dudoit, S (2010) Biases in Illumina transcriptome sequencing caused by random hexamer priming. Nucleic Acids Res, doi:10.1093/nar/gkq224 } \author{ Kasper Daniel Hansen \email{khansen@jhsph.edu}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{computePrimingWeights}} and the extended example in the 'Working with ShortRead' vignette. } \examples{ if(require(ShortRead)) { bwt.file <- system.file("extdata", "bowtie", "s_1_aligned_bowtie.txt", package="ShortRead") aln <- readAligned(bwt.file, type = "Bowtie") weights <- computePrimingWeights(aln, weightsLength = 2L) aln <- addPrimingWeights(aln, weights = weights) head(alignData(aln)$weights) } } \keyword{manip}