\name{ExpData-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{ExpData-class} \alias{[,ExpData-method} \alias{$,ExpData-method} \alias{head,ExpData-method} \alias{initialize,ExpData-method} \alias{show,ExpData-method} \alias{ExpData} \alias{getDBConnection} \alias{getMode} \alias{getIndexColumns} \alias{getDBFilename} \alias{getTablename} \alias{getColnames} \alias{getSchema} \alias{listTables} \title{Class "ExpData"} \description{A class for representing experimental data organized along a genome.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ The preferred way to construct objects of class \code{ExpData} is to use the constructor function \code{ExpData(dbFilename = "filename.db", tablename = "tablename")} } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{dbFilename}:}{A \code{"character"} containing the filename of the SQLite database.} \item{\code{tablename}:}{A \code{"character"} containing the tablename of the relevant SQLite table.} \item{\code{indexColumns}:}{A \code{"character"}, listing which columns (and in which order) in the table has been indexed.} \item{\code{mode}:}{A \code{"character"} indicating whether the database is in read or write mode. Write mode implies read mode.} \item{\code{chrMap}:}{A \code{"character"} which is a placeholder, for now.} \item{\code{.tmpFile}:}{A \code{"character"}. Only for developers..} } } \section{Details}{ For all practical purposes, the class may be considered to point to a specific table in an SQLite database. A connection to the database is opened automatically and a pool of connections is maintained. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{ExpData(dbFilename, tablename, mode, indexColumns, pragma)}}{A constructor function. The last three arguments are for expert users.} \item{\code{getDBConnection}}{Returns a connection to the database associated with the ExpData object.} \item{\code{getDBFilename}}{Returns the filename of the database associated with the ExpData object.} \item{\code{getTablename}}{Returns the tablename of the ExpData object} \item{\code{getSchema}}{Returns the schema of the table associated with the ExpData object.} \item{\code{getIndexColumns}}{Returns the indexColumns of the object.} \item{\code{getColnames}}{Returns all columns (argument \code{all = TRUE}) or all columns except the indexColumns (argument \code{all = FALSE}).} \item{\code{listTables}}{Returns all vector of tables in a database.} \item{\code{getMode}}{Returns the mode of the ExpData object.} \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "ExpData")}: subsetting of the object. ExpData objects do not have rownames.} \item{$}{\code{signature(x = "ExpData")}: selects a column of the table.} \item{head}{\code{signature(x = "ExpData")}: prints the first 10 rows of the object.} \item{initialize}{\code{signature(.Object = "ExpData")}: The initialize method; use the constructor function \code{ExpData} instead.} \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "ExpData")}: the show method.} } } \author{James Bullard \email{bullard@berkeley.edu}, Kasper Daniel Hansen \email{khansen@jhsph.edu}} \seealso{ The package vignettes. } \examples{ showClass("ExpData") } \keyword{classes}