\name{transcripts} \alias{transcripts} \alias{exons} \alias{cds} \title{ Retrieving genomic features from a TranscriptDb object. } \description{ Functions to retrieve genomic features from a \link{TranscriptDb} object. } \usage{ transcripts(txdb, vals=NULL, columns=c("tx_id", "tx_name")) exons(txdb, vals=NULL) cds(txdb, vals=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{txdb}{A \link{TranscriptDb} object.} \item{vals}{Either \code{NULL} or a named list of vectors to be used to restrict the output. For \code{transcripts} the element names can be \code{"gene_id"}, \code{"tx_id"}, \code{"tx_name"}, \code{"tx_chrom"}, and \code{"tx_strand"}. For \code{exons} the element names can be \code{"exon_id"}, \code{"exon_chrom"}, and \code{"exon_strand"}. For \code{cds} the element names can be \code{"cds_id"}, \code{"cds_chrom"}, and \code{"cds_strand"}.} \item{columns}{columns to include in the output. Can be \code{NULL} or a combination of \code{"tx_id"}, \code{"tx_name"}, \code{"gene_id"}, \code{"exon_id"}, and \code{"cds_id"}.} } \details{ These are the main functions for retrieving transcript information from a \link{TranscriptDb} object. They can restrict the output based on categorical information. To restrict the output based on interval information, use the \code{\link{transcriptsByOverlaps}}, \code{\link{exonsByOverlaps}}, and \code{\link{cdsByOverlaps}} functions. } \value{ a GRanges object } \author{ M. Carlson and P. Aboyoun } \seealso{ \link{TranscriptDb}, \code{\link{transcriptsByOverlaps}} } \examples{ txdb <- loadFeatures(system.file("extdata", "UCSC_knownGene_sample.sqlite", package="GenomicFeatures")) vals <- list(tx_chrom = c("chr3", "chr5"), tx_strand = "+") transcripts(txdb, vals) }