\name{saveFeatures} \alias{saveFeatures} \alias{loadFeatures} \title{ Methods to save and load the database contents for a Transcript Object. } \description{ These methods provide a way to dump a TranscriptDb object to an SQLite file, and to recreate that object the saved file. } \usage{ saveFeatures(x, file) loadFeatures(file) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a transcripts object, which contains a connection to a DB.} \item{file}{A SQLite Database filename.} } \value{ For \code{loadFeatures} only, a \link{TranscriptDb} object is returned. } \author{ M. Carlson } \seealso{ \link{TranscriptDb} } \examples{ \dontrun{ ##Have a TranscriptDb object called txdb? ##You can save it: saveFeatures(txdb, file="HG18.sqlite") ##Then later you can quickly re-constitute it like this: txdb <- loadFeatures("HG18.sqlite") } }