\name{makeTextOverlay} \alias{makeTextOverlay} \title{Create objects of class TextOverlay} \description{ Create objects of class TextOverlay } \usage{ makeTextOverlay(text, xpos, ypos, region = NULL, coords = c("genomic", "absolute"), dp = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{text}{The text to plot} \item{xpos}{The xposition of the text} \item{ypos}{The yposition of the text} \item{region}{Region} \item{coords}{Coordinates} \item{dp}{The display parameters} } \value{ Returns class of TextOverlay } \examples{ data("exampleData", package="GenomeGraphs") seg <- makeSegmentation(segStart[[1]], segEnd[[1]], segments[[1]], dp = DisplayPars(color = "black", lwd=2,lty = "solid")) cop <- makeGenericArray(intensity = cn, probeStart = probestart, trackOverlay = seg, dp = DisplayPars(size=3, color = "seagreen", type="dot")) gdPlot(cop, overlay = makeTextOverlay("Overlay Text", xpos = .5, ypos = .5, coords = "absolute")) } \keyword{hplot}