\name{makeRectangleOverlay} \alias{makeRectangleOverlay} \title{Create a rectangular overlay} \description{ Construct ractangular overlays. } \usage{ makeRectangleOverlay(start, end, region = NULL, coords = c("genomic", "absolute"), dp = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{start}{Start position in coords coordinates } \item{end}{End position in coords coordinates } \item{region}{Which tracks to span, or the y (vertical range) } \item{coords}{ Which coordinate system to use, if absolute then the range is from 0,1 and region become the y coordinates } \item{dp}{The display parameters } } \details{ The rectangular overlay can be used to plot overlays in either genomic or absolute coordinates. If coordinates are absolute then the region argument becomes the y arguments. } \value{ An object of class RectangleOverlay } \examples{ data("exampleData", package = "GenomeGraphs") cop <- makeGenericArray(intensity = cn, probeStart = probestart, dp = DisplayPars(size=3, color = "seagreen", type="dot")) gdPlot(list(makeGenomeAxis(), cop), overlays = makeRectangleOverlay(start = 180350000, end = 180350000 + 1e5, dp = DisplayPars(alpha = .3))) } \keyword{hplot}