\name{makeGenericArray} \alias{makeGenericArray} \title{Creates an object of class GenericArray} \description{ Creates an object of class Generic Array representing microarray data. This could be gene expression, array CGH, etc. } \usage{ makeGenericArray(intensity, probeStart, probeEnd, trackOverlay, dp = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{intensity}{Matrix of intensities, probes in the rows, samples in the columns} \item{probeStart}{Vector of start positions for the probes} \item{probeEnd}{Vector of end positions for probes (optional)} \item{trackOverlay}{Object of class TrackOverlay, needs to be added if overlays should be plotted as well} \item{dp}{Object of class DisplayPars which handles the display parameters for plotting} } \value{ Object of class GenericArray } \references{BMC bioinformatics 2009} \author{Jim Bullard and Steffen Durinck} \seealso{gdPlot} \examples{ showClass("GenericArray") } \keyword{hplot}