\name{HighlightRegion-class} \docType{class} \alias{HighlightRegion-class} \title{Class "HighlightRegion" is used to highlight vertical blocks of genomic regions.} \description{HighlightRegion is used to highlight a genomic region of interest. The class offers the ability to highlight or block out regions of interest.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("HighlightRegion", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{start}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} genomic start position. } \item{\code{end}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} genomic end position. } \item{\code{region}:}{Object of class \code{"numericOrNull"} start and end number of the tracks to be covered by the region. These start from the first track (top = 1) to the last track: \code{length(gdObjects)} in the call to \code{gdObject}} \item{\code{coords}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} can be either "genomic" or "absolute", if the coordinates are "absolute" then one can plot things using the coordinate space defined by: lower-left (0,0) upper-right (1,1). In this case, start = x0, end = x1 and then region = (y0, y1). See the examples for more details. } \item{\code{dp}:}{Object of class \code{"DisplayPars"} specifys the various display parameters. } } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{gdObject}"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ No methods defined with class "HighlightRegion" in the signature. } \author{James Bullard} \examples{ if (interactive()) { data("exampleData", package="GenomeGraphs") ga <- new("GenomeAxis") grF <- new("GeneRegion", start = 10000, end = 20000, chromosome = "I", strand = "+", biomart = yeastMart) grR <- new("GeneRegion", start = 10000, end = 20000, chromosome = "I", strand = "-", biomart = yeastMart) bt <- new("BaseTrack", base = yeastCons1[,1], value = yeastCons1[,2]) hr1 <- new("HighlightRegion", start = 11000, end = 13000, dp = DisplayPars(alpha = 1, color = "red", lty = "dashed", lwd = 3)) hr2 <- new("HighlightRegion", start = 15900, end = 16500) gdPlot(list(grF, ga, grR, bt), highlightRegions = list(hr1, hr2)) } } \keyword{classes}