\name{readGenes.ped} \alias{readGenes.ped} \alias{readGenes.fbat.ped} \alias{readGenes.pbat.ped} \alias{readGenes.hapmap.ped} \title{ Function to read pedigree file format } \description{ Function to read pedigree file format } \usage{ readGenes.ped(filename, columns = c("family", "pid", "father", "mother", "sex"), phase = list(FALSE), quiet = FALSE, missingval = c(0), ...) readGenes.hapmap.ped(filename, ...) readGenes.fbat.ped(filename, ...) readGenes.pbat.ped(filename, ...) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{ Name of the file in which data is stored } \item{columns}{Name of the columns in the pedigree file - by default points to "family", "pid", "father", "mother", "sex" } \item{phase}{1. Yes/No for all (logical scalar) 2. Yes/No for each Marker (logical vector) 3. phaseObject (TBD): observation by marker by phase probabilities + definitions of contigs + probability of contigs } \item{quiet}{ Logical: whether the progress of reading the file should be displayed.} \item{missingval}{ Missing values (if any) to obtain missingCodes} \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments to function read.table} } \author{Gregory R. Warnes \email{warnes@bst.rochester.edu} and Nitin Jain \email{nitin.jain@pfizer.com}} \examples{ } \keyword{ misc}