\name{markerSummary} \alias{markerSummary} \alias{print.markerSummary} \title{Generate allele, genotype, or LD summary objects} \description{ Generate allele, genotype, or LD summary objects } \usage{ markerSummary(object, covariate = NULL, confidence = 0.95, alpha = 1 - confidence, show = TRUE, ...) \method{print}{markerSummary}(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{geneSet object} \item{covariate}{ } \item{confidence}{desired confidence interval for genotype and allele frequencies in each marker} \item{alpha}{Type -1 error rate = (1- confidence) } \item{show}{ No longer used } \item{x}{ object of class 'markerSummary' } \item{\dots}{optional additional arguments} } \details{ We can print the alleleSummary and genotypeSummary on screen, or save in html, tex, or pdf format using appropriate methods. } \author{Nitin Jain \email{nitin.jain@pfizer.com} } \examples{ library(GeneticsBase) data(CAMP) temp <- markerSummary(CAMP) print.markerSummary(temp) html.markerSummary(temp, filename="test") latex.markerSummary(temp, filename="test") } \keyword{ misc }