\name{makeTransTable} \alias{makeTransTable} \title{makeTransTable creates a single translation table of the markers} \description{ Create a single translation table of the markers. It is called by makeTransTableList to make a list of translation tables. } \usage{ makeTransTable(alleleString = "Aa", sep = "/", ploidy = 2) } \arguments{ \item{alleleString}{ character vector such as c("12", "ACGT") } \item{sep}{ separation symbol of the allels in alleleString } \item{ploidy}{Currently implemented only for ploidy=2} } \details{ } \value{ a matrix of (\# of alleles in alleleString)\^2 by ploidy, and must include a column named "levels". } \author{Scott Chasalow \email{Scott.Chasalow@bms.com}, Junsheng Cheng \email{cjsuicedu@yahoo.com}} \examples{ } \keyword{misc}