% $Id: gregorius.Rd 1069 2006-11-10 08:43:19Z warnes $ \name{gregorius} \alias{gregorius} \title{Probability of Observing All Alleles with a Given Frequency in a Sample of a Specified Size.} \description{ Probability of observing all alleles with a given frequency in a sample of a specified size. } \usage{ gregorius(freq, N, missprob, tol = 1e-10, maxN = 10000, maxiter=100, showiter = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{freq}{(Minimum) Allele frequency (required)} \item{N}{Number of sampled genotypes} \item{missprob}{Desired maximum probability of failing to observe an allele.} \item{tol}{Omit computation for terms which contribute less than this value.} \item{maxN}{Largest value to consider when searching for N.} \item{maxiter}{Maximum number of iterations to use when searching for N.} \item{showiter}{Boolean flag indicating whether to show the iterations performed when searching for N.} } \details{ If \code{freq} and \code{N} are provided, but \code{missprob} is omitted, this function computes the probability of failing to observe all alleles with true underlying frequency \code{freq} when \code{N} diploid genotypes are sampled. This is accomplished using the sum provided in Corollary 2 of Gregorius (1980), omitting terms which contribute less than \code{tol} to the result. When \code{freq} and \code{missprob} are provide, but \code{N} is omitted. A binary search on the range of [1,\code{maxN}] is performed to locate the smallest sample size, \code{N}, for which the probability of failing to observe all alleles with true underlying frequency \code{freq} is at most \code{missprob}. In this case, \code{maxiter} specifies the largest number of iterations to use in the binary search, and \code{showiter} controls whether the iterations of the search are displayed. } \value{ A list containing the following values: \item{call}{ Function call used to generate this object.} \item{method}{ One of the strings, "Compute missprob given N and freq", or "Determine minimal N given missprob and freq", indicating which type of computation was performed.} \item{retval$freq}{ Specified allele frequency.} \item{retval$N}{ Specified or computed sample size. } \item{retval$missprob}{ Computed probability of failing to observe all of the alleles with frequency \code{freq}. } } \references{ Gregorius, H.R. 1980. The probability of losing an allele when diploid genotypes are sampled. Biometrics 36, 643-652. } \note{ This code produces sample sizes that are slightly larger than those given in table 1 of Gregorius (1980). This appears to be due to rounding of the computed \code{missprob}s by the authors of that paper. } \author{ Code submitted by David Duffy \email{davidD@qumr.edu.au}, substantially enhanced by Gregory R. Warnes \email{warnes@bst.rochester.edu}. } %\seealso{ ~~objects to SEE ALSO as \code{\link{~~fun~~}}, ~~~ } \examples{ # Compute the probability of missing an allele with frequency 0.15 when # 20 genotypes are sampled: gregorius(freq=0.15, N=20) # Determine what sample size is required to observe all alleles with true # frequency 0.15 with probability 0.95 gregorius(freq=0.15, missprob=1-0.95) } \keyword{misc}