\name{genotypeSummary} \alias{genotypeSummary} %\alias{print.GeneticsBaseSummary} \title{print the summary of genotypes sorted by markers} \description{ print the summary of genotypes sorted by markers } \usage{ genotypeSummary(object, by = NULL, confidence = 0.95, alpha = 1 - confidence, show = TRUE, HWE.method = c("simulate", "exact"), simulate.p.value = TRUE, B = 10000, verbose = FALSE, includeOverall = FALSE, omitRepeats = TRUE, founderOnly = FALSE, ...) %print.GeneticsBaseSummary(x, digits = 3, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{geneSet object } \item{by}{ optional column name, by which the summary is desired. Default is NULL. } \item{confidence}{ confidence intervals of Genotype frequencies within each marker (default is 95\%) } \item{alpha}{ Type -1 error rate = (1- confidence) } \item{show}{ No longer used } \item{HWE.method}{ Method to be used for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Significance Test, exact or simulate } \item{simulate.p.value}{No longer used } \item{B}{No longer used } \item{verbose}{No longer used} \item{includeOverall}{logical value (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether overall summary is also needed, default = FALSE } \item{omitRepeats}{ logical value (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether Gene name and marker name should be printed repeatedly for each Genotype, default = TRUE } \item{founderOnly}{ logical value (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether founder information should be extracted from the geneSet object, default = FALSE } %\item{x}{ object of class 'genotypeSummary' } %\item{digits}{ number of digits to be printed in summary } \item{\dots}{any further arguments to print} } \details{ We can print the genotypeSummary on screen, or save in .html format or .tex format} \author{Nitin Jain \email{nitin.jain@pfizer.com} } \examples{ library(GeneticsBase) data(CAMP) temp <- genotypeSummary(CAMP) print(temp) txt(temp, filename="genotypeSummary.txt") html(temp, filename="genotypeSummary.html") latex(temp, filename="genotypeSummary.tex") } \keyword{ misc }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS