\name{fastGrid} \alias{fastGrid} \title{Create a matrix giving all combinations of the elements of x} \description{ Create a matrix giving all combinations of the elements of x } \usage{ fastGrid(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a vector} } \details{ } \value{ a matrix of the same mode as x, with dimension c(length(x)\^2, 2). The rows give all points on a square lattice formed by pairing every element of x with every element of x. Here, order matters - that is, (1, 2) and (2, 1) both would be included - and points with an element taken twice - e.g. (1, 1) - also are included. } \author{Scott Chasalow \email{Scott.Chasalow@bms.com}} \seealso{ \code{\link{geneSet-class}}} \examples{ } \keyword{ misc }