\name{HWE} \alias{HWE} \title{Test the significances of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (dis)equilibrium statistics} \description{ Test the significances of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (dis)equilibrium statistics for each marker in a data set. } \usage{ HWE(object, test = c("exact", "permutation", "chisq"), B = 10000, R = 1000, correct = TRUE, conf = c(0.95), na.rm = TRUE, founderOnly = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a geneSet object.} \item{test}{specifys the test method. Available methods are \dQuote{exact}, \dQuote{permutation}, \dQuote{chisq}.} \item{B}{an integer specifying the number of replicates used in the Monte Carlo test. Defaults to 10000.} \item{R}{Number of bootstrap iterations to use when computing the confidence interval. Defaults to 1000.} \item{correct}{see \code{\link{diseq.ci}}.} \item{conf}{Confidence level to use when computing the confidence level for linkage disequilibrium measures. Defaults to 0.95, should be in (0,1).} \item{na.rm}{logical. Should missing values be removed?} \item{founderOnly}{Indicates if only founders are used to do the test.} \item{...}{ othere arguments used by the function \code{\link[stats]{chisq.test}}. } } \value{ The function \code{HWE} returns a list: \item{\dQuote{diseq}}{a character string.} \item{call}{the matched call.} \item{\dQuote{D}}{a matrix with $m$ rows and $3+p$ columns, where $m$ is the number of markers in the geneSet, $p$ is the number of elements of the argument \code{conf}. The first column is the estimated \dQuote{D}. The next $p$ columns are estimated confidence limits for the confidence levels specified in the argument \code{conf}. The last two columns are the sample size and the p-value of the test that \dQuote{D} is equal to zero.} \item{\dQuote{D'}}{a matrix with $m$ rows and $3+p$ columns, where $m$ is the number of markers in the geneSet, $p$ is the number of elements of the argument \code{conf}. The first column is the estimated \dQuote{D'}. The next $p$ columns are estimated confidence limits for the confidence levels specified in the argument \code{conf}. The last two columns are the sample size and the p-value of the test that \dQuote{D'} is equal to zero.} \item{\dQuote{r}}{a matrix with $m$ rows and $3+p$ columns, where $m$ is the number of markers in the geneSet, $p$ is the number of elements of the argument \code{conf}. The first column is the estimated \dQuote{r}. The next $p$ columns are estimated confidence limits for the confidence levels specified in the argument \code{conf}. The last two columns are the sample size and the p-value of the test that \dQuote{r} is equal to zero.} \item{\dQuote{X$^2$}}{a matrix with $m$ rows and $3+p$ columns, where $m$ is the number of markers in the geneSet, $p$ is the number of elements of the argument \code{conf}. The first column is the test statistic \dQuote{X$^2$} for HWE test. The next $p$ columns are zeros. The last two columns are the sample size and the p-value of the test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.} } \author{Gregory R. Warnes \email{gregory.r.warnes@pfizer.com} and Nitin Jain \email{nitin.jain@pfizer.com}} \examples{ library(GeneticsBase) data(CAMP) HWE(CAMP) } \keyword{misc}