\name{Armitage} \alias{Armitage} \alias{Armitage.default} \alias{ArmitageTest} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Cochran-Armitage test for linear trends in proportions and frequencies} \description{ Cochran-Armitage test for linear trends in proportions and frequencies. } \usage{ Armitage(geneSetObj, method="A") Armitage.default(pedObj, method="A") ArmitageTest(x, mem) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{geneSetObj}{a geneSet object} \item{pedObj}{a pedigree object} \item{method}{genotype coding method. The default is additive coding (\code{A}). The other two available coding methods are recessive coding (\code{R}) and dominant coding (\code{D}), respectively.} \item{x}{ a vector of bialleleic markers coded by additive, recessive, or dominant model. Denote B as common allele and A as minor allele. \describe{ \item{additive model:}{x=0 -- BB; x=1 -- AB; x=2 -- AA} \item{recessive model:}{x=0 -- BB; x=0 -- AB; x=2 -- AA} \item{dominant model:}{x=0 -- BB; x=1 -- AB; x=1 -- AA} } } \item{mem}{disease membership. \code{1} -- case; \code{0} -- control} } \details{ } \value{ The functions \code{Armitage} and \code{Armitage.default} return a matrix with \code{nMarkers} rows and 2 columns, where \code{nMarkers} is the number of markers. The two columns are test statistic (\code{stat}) and p-value (\code{pvalue}), respectively. The function \code{ArmitageTest} returns a list of two elements: \item{stat }{test statistic} \item{pvalue }{p-value of the test} } \references{ Gordon D, Haynes C, Blumenfeld J, Finch SJ (2005) PAWE-3D: visualizing Power for Association With Error in case/control genetic studies of complex traits. Bioinformatics 21:3935-3937. Gordon D, Finch SJ, Nothnagel M, Ott J (2002) Power and sample size calculations for case-control genetic association tests when errors are present: application to single nucleotide polymorphisms. Hum Hered 54:22-33. Chapman, D.G. and Nam, J.M. (1968) Asymptotic power of chi square tests for linear trends in proportions. Biometrics. 24, 315-327. Armitage, P. (1955) Tests for linear trends in proportions and frequencies. Biometrics. 11, 375-386. Cochran, W.G. (1954) Some methods for strengthening the common chi-squared tests. Biometrics. 10, 417-451. } \author{ Gregory Warnes Ross Lazarus Weiliang Qiu } \note{ This implementation is based on the documentation at webpage: \url{http://linkage.rockefeller.edu/pawe3d/help/Linear-trend-test-ncp.html}. } \seealso{ } \examples{ # not significant result ArmitageTest(x=c(2,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1), mem=c(1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0)) # significant result ArmitageTest(x=c(2,2,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0), mem=c(1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0)) } \keyword{ misc }