\name{GTServer} \alias{GTServer} \title{Create a GeneTraffic server object} \keyword{ IO } \description{ This is a constructor for the \code{GTServer} class which is used to identify the host, port, username and password of a GeneTraffic server. } \usage{ GTServer(host, username, password, port) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{host}{ the name of the GeneTraffic machine.} \item{username}{ the username used to connect to the GeneTraffic server.} \item{password}{ the password used to connect to the GeneTraffic server.} \item{port}{ the port used to connect to the GeneTraffic server. If not specified, by default port 80 is used.} } \value{ An object of class \code{GTServer}. } \examples{ gt <- GTServer(host = "genetraffic", username="demo", password="pass", port = 80) }