\name{GTLoadExpression} \alias{GTLoadExpression} \title{Reads from a GeneTraffic project summary file} \keyword{IO} \description{ A GeneTraffic project summary is read from a file representing the experiment interpretation for that project. } \usage{ GTLoadExpression(filename = "Project.zip") } \arguments{ \item{filename}{Name of the file containing the GeneTraffic project summary in zip format.} } \value{ The return value depends on how many chip types the project summary file contains. If it has only one, it returns one \code{ExpressionSet} object, otherwise it returns a list of \code{ExpressionSet} objects (for 1 color projects). For two color projects, if it has only one chip type, it returns one \code{marrayRaw} object, otherwise it returns a list of \code{marrayRaw} objects. } \examples{ #From a file: eset <- GTLoadExpression(filename="Project.zip") eset #From a GeneTraffic server: \dontrun{ gt <- GTServer(host = "genetraffic", username="demo", password="pass", port = 80) session <- GTLogin(gt) pl <- GTGetProjectList(gt,session) filename <- GTGetProjectSummary(gt, session, pl[[1]]$"project_id") GTLogout(gt,session) eset <- GTLoadExpression(filename) eset } }