\name{dispersion,RepeatedRanking} \alias{dispersion,RepeatedRanking-method} \alias{dispersion} \title{Compute genewise dispersion measures for repeated rankings} \description{Dispersion is computed with respect to ranks, computed genewise. Three different measures are implemented: standard deviation (\code{sd}), median absolute deviation (\code{mad}), and interquartile range (\code{IQR}). The function is primarily intended to serve as helper function for \link{AggregatePenalty}.} \usage{dispersion(RR, measure = c("sd", "mad", "iqr"), scheme = c("original", "symmetric", "user"), center = NULL)} \arguments{ \item{RR}{An object of class \code{RepeatedRanking}.} \item{measure}{Specifies the dispersion measure, s. description.} \item{scheme}{Specifies how the location parameter is computed. If \code{scheme="original"}, then the location parameter is chosen as the reference ranking (slot \code{original}). If \code{scheme = "symmetric"}, then \code{original@ranking} and \code{rankings} are pooled to compute the location parameter either as the joint mean (if \code{measure} = "mean") or the joint median (if \code{measure = "median"}). Alternatively, the user may provide locations by using the \code{center} argument.} \item{center}{Location parameters to be used. Used only if \code{scheme} = "user".} } \value{A numeric vector containing the dispersion measure for each gene.} \seealso{\link{GeneRanking}, \link{RepeatedRanking}} \author{Martin Slawski \cr Anne-Laure Boulesteix} \keyword{univar}