\name{StabilityOverlap-class} \docType{class} \alias{StabilityOverlap-class} \alias{StabilityOverlap} \alias{show,StabilityOverlap-method} \alias{summary,StabilityOverlap-method} \alias{plot,StabilityOverlap,missing-method} \title{"StabilityOverlap"} \description{An object returned from a call to \link{GetStabilityOverlap}.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{intersection}:}{A matrix of intersection counts, normalized such that 1 is the maximum attainable value. The rows correspond to the positions in the list such that row \code{i} contains the number of common elements of two lists up to position \code{i}. The columns correspond to lists, either obtained from altered datasets or by applying multiple ranking procedures.} \item{\code{overlapscore}:}{A matrix of overlap scores, arranged analogously to \code{intersection}.} \item{\code{noinformation}:}{A list containing two numeric vectors named \code{"intersection"} and \code{"overlap score"} containing for each list position intersection counts and overlap scores one would expect in the no-information case, corresponding to the random generation of two mutually independent lists.} \item{\code{scheme}}{s. \link{GetStabilityOverlap}.} \item{\code{decay}}{The decay scheme used for the weights, s. \link{GetStabilityOverlap}.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{Use \code{show(object)} for brief information.} \item{summary}{Use \code{summary(object), measure = c("overlapscore", "intersection"), display = c("summary", "all"), position, digits = 3} for condensed output. The argument \code{measure} specifies the measure one is interested in. The argument \code{display} controls whether only a five-point summary is printed (\code{display = "summary"}) or whether all results are printed (\code{display = "all"}). The argument \code{position} specifies the list position, e.g. if \code{position = 10}, then intersection counts/overlap scores up to position 10 are summarized. The argument \code{digits} is used for number formatting. Note that the output depends on \code{scheme}.} \item{plot}{\code{plot(object, frac=1/50, mode = c("mean", "all", "specific"), which = 1, ...)} produces a graphical display of the intersection count (upper panel) and the overlap score (lower panel) for increasing list position, ranging from \code{1} to \code{frac*number of genes}. The argument mode specifies whether this is done as average over all lists (\code{mode = "mean"}), for a certain alternative list \code{which} (\code{mode = "specific"}) or succesively in the form of separate plots for each alternative list (\code{mode = "all"}). The \code{...} argument may be used to modify graphical options.} } } \references{Qiu, X., Xiao, Y., Gordon, A., Yakovlev, A., (2006) \cr Assessing stability of gene selection in microarray data analysis. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics 7, 50} Yang, X., Bentink, S., Scheid, S., Spang, R. (2006) \cr Similarities of ordered gene lists. \emph{Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 4, 693-708} Lottaz, C., Yang, X., Scheid, S., Spang, R. (2006) \cr OrderedList - a Bioconductor package for detecting similarity in ordered gene lists. \emph{Bioinformatics, 22, 2315-2316}} \author{Martin Slawski \cr Anne-Laure Boulesteix} \keyword{univar}