\name{RepeatedRanking-class} \docType{class} \alias{RepeatedRanking-class} \alias{RepeatedRanking} \alias{show,RepeatedRanking-method} \alias{toplist,RepeatedRanking-method} \alias{plot,RepeatedRanking} \alias{plot,RepeatedRanking,missing-method} \alias{MergeRankings} \alias{MergeRankings-methods} \alias{MergeRankings,RepeatedRanking,RepeatedRanking-method} \title{"RepeatedRanking"} \description{Object returned by a call to \link{RepeatRanking} or \link{MergeMethods}} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{original}:}{The ranking based on the original data set (output from \link{RepeatRanking}) or on a reference method (output from \link{MergeMethods}), represented by an object of class \code{GeneRanking}} \item{\code{rankings}:}{The rankings obtained from altered datasets (output from \link{RepeatRanking} or from different methods (output from \link{MergeMethods}), stored as a matrix. One column represents one replication (output from \link{RepeatRanking} or one method (output from \link{MergeMethods}). Each column is of the same structure as the slot \code{ranking} of the class \code{GeneRanking}.} \item{\code{pvals}:}{The matrix of p-values stored analogously to \code{rankings}. If p-values have not been computed, this is a matrix of \code{NA}s.} \item{\code{statistics}:}{The statistics obtained from altered data sets, stored analogously to \code{rankings}} \item{\code{scheme}:}{A character for the resampling scheme, can be one of \code{"subsampling"}, \code{"labelexchange"}, \code{"bootstrap"}, \code{"jittering"} (if noise has been added), \code{"merged (rankings)"} if several resampling schemes for the same dataset and ranking method have been combined via the \code{MergeRankings}-method, or \code{"merged (methods)"} if the rankings of several methods have been combined via the \code{MergeMethods}-method.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{Use \code{show(RepeatedRanking-Object)} for brief information.} \item{toplist}{Use \code{toplist(RepeatedRanking-Object, k=10)} to get information about the top \code{k=10} genes for each ranking and one overview table showing frequencies of gene indices for each of the ranks \code{1,...k}. Additionally, only the overview table can be shown with all other output suppressed using \code{toplist(RepeatedRanking-Object, show=FALSE)}.} \item{dispersion}{Genewise variance estimation, s. \link{dispersion,RepeatedRanking-method}} \item{MergeRankings}{Use \code{MergeRankings(RepeatedRanking-Object1, RepeatedRanking-Object2)} to combine results from different resampling schemes. The results is again an object of class \code{RepeatedRanking} where the slot \code{scheme} is \code{"merged (rankings)"} and all matrices have been concatenated columnwise.} \item{plot}{Use \code{plot(RepeatedRanking-Object)} for a scatterplot of the reference ranking (slot \code{original}) vs. alternative rankings (slot \code{rankings}).} \item{HeatmapRankings}{s. \link{HeatmapRankings}} } } \author{Martin Slawski \cr Anne-Laure Boulesteix} \seealso{\link{GeneRanking}, \link{RepeatRanking}, \link{MergeMethods}, \link{dispersion}, \link{HeatmapRankings}} \keyword{univar}