\name{GeneSelectorOutput-class} \docType{class} \alias{GeneSelectorOutput-class} \alias{GeneSelectorOutput} \alias{show,GeneSelectorOutput-method} \alias{toplist,GeneSelectorOutput-method} \alias{SelectedGenes-methods} \alias{SelectedGenes} \alias{SelectedGenes,GeneSelectorOutput-method} \alias{plot,GeneSelectorOutput,missing-method} \title{"GeneSelectorOutputRanking"} \description{Object returned from a call to \code{GeneSelector}.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{final}:}{Numeric vector storing the final ranks as provided by the \code{GeneSelector} procedure.} \item{\code{rankings}:}{Matrix of rankings used as input for the \code{GeneSelector}.} \item{\code{inout}:}{Matrix arranged in the same way as \code{rankmatrix}, but information is now binary: If \code{rankmatrix[i,j]} is smaller than the specified threshold, then \code{inout[i,j]} equals \code{"+"} symbolizing selection, whereas the \code{"-"} symbolizes removal.} \item{\code{selected}:}{The indices of those genes that fall below the specified threshold. Can more conveniently be accessed using \code{SelectedGenes}.} \item{\code{adjpval}:}{Numeric vector of adjusted p-values. \code{NA} if no adjustment has been performed.} \item{\code{maxrank}:}{Threshold rank, either predefined by the user or determined after p-value adjustment.} \item{\code{statistics}:}{The names of the ranking procedures used, ordered according to their importance as defined by the user.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{Use \code{show(object)} for brief information.} \item{toplist}{Use \code{toplist(object, k=10)} to display the top \code{k=10} genes according to the final ranking.} \item{SelectedGenes}{Use \code{SelectedGenes(object)} to show all genes that have been selected by the \link{GeneSelector}.} \item{plot}{Use \code{plot(object, which=1} to get detailed information about the gene with index 1, arranged in a pretty plot.} } } \author{Martin Slawski \cr Anne-Laure Boulesteix} \keyword{univar}