\name{AggregatePenalty} \alias{AggregatePenalty} \alias{AggregatePenalty-methods} \alias{AggregatePenalty,RepeatedRanking-method} \title{Aggregation of repeated rankings using a variance penalty approach} \description{ The idea behind this form of aggregation is to find a compromise between quality on the one hand, represented by the list position/rank, and variability on the other hand. The latter is assessed by calling the function \link{dispersion}. } \usage{ AggregatePenalty(RR, dispersion = c("sd", "mad", "iqr"), center = NULL, gamma = 0.05,...) } \arguments{ \item{RR}{An object of class \code{RepeatedRanking}.} \item{dispersion}{The dispersion measure to be used (s. \link{dispersion}): \describe{ \item{"sd"}{standard deviation,} \item{"mad"}{median absolute deviation,} \item{"iqr"}{interquartile range.} }} \item{center}{Optional numeric vector specifying for each gene the rank serving as center/location parameter for \code{dispersion}. If \code{center = NULL}, the reference ranking \code{RR@original@ranking} is used.} \item{gamma}{As basis of the aggregated ranking, the quantity \code{(1-gamma)*center + gamma * dispersion} is used, i.e. the variability aspect dominates as \code{gamma} tends to one.} \item{...}{Further arguments passed to \link{dispersion}.} } \value{An object of class \link{AggregatedRanking}.} \author{Martin Slawski \cr Anne-Laure Boulesteix} \seealso{\link{RepeatRanking}, \link{AggregateSimple}, \link{AggregateSVD}, \link{AggregateMC}} \keyword{univar} \examples{ ## Load toy gene expression data data(toydata) ### class labels yy <- toydata[1,] ### gene expression xx <- toydata[-1,] ### run RankingTstat ordT <- RankingTstat(xx, yy, type="unpaired") ### Generate Leave-one-out Foldmatrix loo <- GenerateFoldMatrix(y = yy, k=1) ### Get all rankings loor_ordT <- RepeatRanking(ordT, loo) ### aggregate rankings agg_pen_ordT <- AggregatePenalty(loor_ordT, dispersion = "iqr", gamma = 0.3) toplist(agg_pen_ordT) }