\name{getSequence} \alias{getSequence} \alias{getSequence,ProbeLevelSet-method} \title{Get Sequence from a ProbeLevelSet} \description{ Function to retrieve the sequences of feature in a ProbeLevelSet. } \usage{ getSequence(object, id) } \arguments{ \item{object}{A ProbeLevelSet object} \item{id}{Optional character vector with the featureNames of the sequences of interest} } \value{A character vector with the sequences of all probes in the ProbeLevelSet. The names of the vector are set to match the sequences.} \author{Diego Diez} \seealso{\code{\link{ProbeLevelSet}}} \examples{ data(exampleProbeLevelSet) getSequence(exampleProbeLevelSet) } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}