\name{seqSrs} \alias{seqSrs} \alias{seqNcbi} \alias{seqUrl} \title{Download a sequence in Fasta / Genbank / Embl format from Ncbi or Srs} \description{Get a sequence in Fasta / Genbank / Embl format trough web with only an accno seqUrl will get the sequence through a srs web program. seqNcbi will do the same with ncbi web server (I prefer this one). } \usage{seqSrs (accno,file="toto.seq",submotif=FALSE, srs="http://srs.ebi.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz", bank=c("EMBL","REFSEQ")) seqNcbi (accno,file="toto.seq",submotif=FALSE,type="fasta") } \arguments{ \item{accno}{Access Number: "dbj|BY608190.1|BY608190" or "BY608190"} \item{file}{file where seqence will be downloaded} \item{submotif}{a logical value indicating whether we look for a subpatern of accno } \item{srs}{a url srs web program} \item{type}{fasta or genbank for seqNcbi (file format of sequence).} \item{bank}{List of banks to search into.} } \value{ 1 if file has been correctly created. A file containing the sequence in file format requested } \note{ SeqNcbi returns sometimes Genbank file in a not very valid format (specially with EST sequences). These files will not be computed by readseq. (Use Fasta format, then). } \examples{ seqNcbi("BY608190",file="BY608190.fa") \dontrun{ # idem: seqSrs("dbj|BY608190.1|BY608190",file="BY608190.embl",submotif=TRUE,type="embl") seqSrs("AK129232",type="embl",srs="http://www.infobiogen.fr/srs71bin/cgi-bin/wgetz") } } \keyword{utilities} \author{Antoine Lucas, Centre de Genetique moleculaire, CNRS Gif / Yvette}